Able & Tireless

The Wonderful World of Cable & Wireless Software Developers

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Thursday, April 29, 2004

There's directives from very high up regarding objective setting for the coming year. Yes, they created a silly pow-wow in Egham to tell us about it and there's some silly flash-based presentation too. But overall it might not be a bad thing to make people set up real objectives. If Jaws is mailing me about his new objective to share technical knowledge through the wider team (which must be 20+ people now ... Steve is turning into the Master of the Universe and about time too) then that's got to be a good thing.

My only problem is that it feels a bit like a veneer and not anything deeper. Can you really set objectives for a whole year in a business environment? Are there companies where you have a clear vision and you see it out over 12 months? Could this company be one of them? Or just this team? I don't really know what my objectives are or what I want them to be. I don't really know how I can help the company. What do we do that is so useful?

The telephone directory is useful. We run that. I suppose that the newsroom is somewhat useful and we have some involvement with that. I know our billing support is theoretically useful but I imagine any monkey could do that. What I'm asking is, what can I do that is a genuine C&W-focused objective that is also fun? If I wanted to get motivated and make the boss men happy without consigning myself to billing support what can I do?

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